The Master
New Harmony
IChingMaster Welcomes You!
 The "I Ching" is a book of ancient wisdom. It instructs people to think and act properly at any time in any given situation to invite good fortune, to avoid misfortune, and to live a successful and abundant life. Now for the first time in history, you can contribute to the sharing of the I Ching expertise, knowledge and understanding.
For more than 3000 years the I Ching has been the most important book of divination in the world. Master Alfred Huang has faithfully restored the I Ching to its pure and authentic nature. His scholarly translations of the book embody the original essence of the profound ancient wisdom, and now form the reference basis for these online readings, reference materials, and study courses.
Master Alfred Huang founded IChingMaster for the global empowerment of I Ching Students, and to share this ancient Chinese binary system in harmony with the modern binary system....the computer. As an I Ching Master, a Professor of Taoist Philosophy, a teacher, and a writer, Master Alfred Huang is adept at bringing Spiritual Prosperity and Prosperous Spirituality to people's lives. Discover more about why Master Alfred's translations are being heralded as "the best ever" by visiting "The Master page.
When you consult the I Ching Oracle with your inquiries, IChingMaster will help you to recognise and harmonize with the universal elements and thereby allowing you to grow, and enhance your own personal success and wellbeing. You can sign up as an IChingMaster member FREE OF CHARGE for unlimited FREE READINGS. Visit the "Sign Up" page for more information and to enroll as a Student or Member in the ever expanding IChingMaster community.
IChingMaster will help you to become a Student to share in Master Alfred's life experience and knowledge, where you too can walk the path to become an I Ching master. You will have the opportunity to register as a Student in the IChingMaster website for the 'Beginner', 'Advanced', or 'Adept' courses. To find a current list of associated content, research the 'Reference Materials' of Master Alfred's publications located within this site.
Thank You for visiting IChingMaster, we know you will continue your journey. We are so happy that you wish to share in Master Alfred's profound and true knowledge of the 'I Ching', and it's application in your daily life.
Come explore and play in truth.

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